In order to be able to offer a truly complete service package to our clients, Access co-operates with professional licensed (Greek) Customs Brokers. Day in and day out, they work on behalf of our clients and are available to offer professional advice and solutions tailored to your needs. This is a highly regulated area where competent guidance is a must!
Although the EU comprising 27 states has to a large extent simplified customs formalities by creating a new free trade - free movement - no borders unified region covering most and -in the not so distant future - probably all of Europe, countries outside the EU doing business with member states, such as Greece still need to clear their transactions through various customs authorities. Even for transit cargoes through Greece, certain formalities still have to be taken into account. Balkan countries which are not EU Members still have their own clearance structures in place. Access integrates local law requirements into the service package provided, be it transit cargo by railway, NVOCC reefer services and logistics, air freight, transshipments or any combination of the above -we are here for you!
Why team up with Access? - OUR CUSTOMS SERVICES AT A GLANCE
The freight distribution process involves collection of bulk products from the manufacturing unit or supplier base and delivery to different retailer locations or to the hands of the customers. Freight consolidation is collecting raw material or products from different locations and getting them all to a point. International freight distribution includes air forwarding, ship forwarding or road/truck forwarding of the consignment to the destination country, from where it would reach the hands of customers by air, rail or road.
A comprehensive freight distribution system can ensure product delivery at the right location and at the right time. Lesser overall time of distribution ensures more business for the company and helps the manufacturing company gain a significant advantage over competition. Also timely distribution of products also ensures sustainable demand and consumer satisfaction. Also imagine the painful situation where you lose your customers one by one and finally a market, solely because you had an incompetent supply chain -although your product(s) was/were actually superior to the competition or even dominant!
You may not necessarily have the resources or staff with the experience in international freight distribution. It is in such a situation that the right freight distribution company assumes significance. Such a company will correctly know about the legal procedures and legal routes to quickly get the products through, in an economic manner.
By securing the services of a well-respected freight distribution professional, you can also cut costs. You will not have to make additional investments in the form of trucks, air freight distribution channels, warehouses etc. You may not believe it, but supply chain costs account for a major chunk of international business costs, second only to raw material costs.
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